
Exploring Zeolite Solutions for Circular Economy

Exploring Zeolite Solutions for Circular Economy: Z-ONA4LIFE Open Consultation

23 July 2024 15:00–16:00
On 23 July 2024, Z-ONA4LIFE project members will host a webinar to share the main outcomes of the "Zeolite in Focus: Advancing Circular Economy Practices Workshop" and create a forum for open consultation to gather insights from experts to then write a blueprint with a set of recommendations based on the innovative applications of Z-ONA zeolite that can influence policies on the Green Deal.
Circular Futures: Z-ONA4LIFE's revolution in aluminium production

Circular Future: Z-ONA4LIFE's revolution in aluminium production

21 February 2024 10:00–11:00
To share its main objectives, the Z-ONA4LIFE project's team is organising its first webinar on 21 February at 10:00 (CET). Register now!