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Highlights of 2023: Z-ONA4LIFE's innovative journey

Happy Holidays from Z-ONA4LIFE team

The Z-ONA4LIFE project (Aluminium Foundries Circularity via Holistic Zeolite Production for Effluents Depuration), initiated in September 2023 and funded by the EU's LIFE Programme (LIFE22-ENV-ES-Z-ONA4LIFE), aims to demonstrate at a pilot scale that synthetic zeolite manufacturing is a technically and economically viable technology for valorising aluminium salt slag. The project aspires to develop an almost "zero waste" process, with the recovery of different by-products. Its implementation will allow undertaking a new era of circularity in the aluminium industry. Based on a circular economy model, the project aims at valorising hazardous waste by transforming it into zeolites, a high-value material for other industrial sectors. In addition, the project will also promote the widest application of the new Z-ONA zeolite.

In this context, within the Circular Economy framework, the obtained zeolites are going to be applied for purifying gases from the metallurgical industry and wastewater streams such as leachates, permeates, livestock, and mining effluents.

The global objective will be met through the following partial objectives

  • To define the optimal processing parameters for manufacturing Z-ONA zeolite from aluminium salt slag and silica wastes.
  • To start-up a fully operational pilot plant with a production capacity of 630 kg/day of Z-ONA zeolite.
  • To design a near-zero waste process through brine recovery by simulating the production of Na2CO3 and CaCl2.
  • To demonstrate the feasibility of the Z-ONA zeolite for the in-situ purification of gas streams in the aluminium ingot plant.
  • To demonstrate the feasibility of the Z-ONA zeolites for the depuration of challenging wastewaters.
  • To achieve a near “zero-waste” process throughout the recovery of spent Z-ONA zeolite.
  • To accelerate the international uptake of Z-ONA4LIFE results in the markets.

To achieve the Z-ONA4LIFE project objectives, the consortium is composed of partners that not only are fully committed to the project, but they also have the complementary skills, knowledge, and expertise needed for the success accomplishing.

From the project consortium, we would like to take this opportunity to wish you Happy Holidays! We wish that the year 2024 will bring us great success in all our endeavours and as far as our project is concerned, that we reach the proposed objectives, which we will be sharing with you through periodic newsletters. 
Thanking you in advance for your interest in our project. 
Best Seasonal Wishes and a HAPPY NEW YEAR!

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