Infoday LIFE Replay

Infoday LIFE Replay | Z-ONA4LIFE
13 March 2025 09:30–16:30
Salón de actos del Instituto de Tecnología Cerámica (ITC) Campus Universitario Riu Sec Avda. de Vicent Sos Baynat s/n 12006 Castellón

LIFE REPLAY - Conference on the end-of-waste criterion


Part One 9h30-12h30

INFODAY. End-of-waste condition. Practical aspects and legal implications.



Attendance register


Institutional welcome

  • Yolanda Reig Otero. General Director. ITC-AICE
  • Raúl Mérida Gordillo. Regional Secretary for the Environment and Territory. Generalidad Valenciana

End-of-waste condition. Legal implications.

  • Waste law and end-of-waste concept. Situation in Spain.
    • Elisa Cacharro Caminero, Programme Manager. Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge. Subdirectorate General for Waste.
  • Regional considerations. Situation in the Valencian Community.
    • Speaker to be confirmed. Generalidad Valenciana. Department of Environment, Infrastructures and Territory.

Solutions and strategies to meet the end-of-waste criterion. Example of the case of LIFE REPLAY and the ceramic sector.

  • Introductory presentation. LIFE REPLAY project - Importance of the end-of-waste condition for the exploitation of results. ITC-AICE.
  • Round Table. Moderator: Paqui Quereda. ITC-AICE.
    • Point of view of a waste manager. Silvia Iglesias. CTR Mediterráneo.
    • Point of view of a pigment and ink manufacturer. Alejandro Grijalbo. AKCOAT.
    • A tile manufacturer's point of view. Gloria Costas. TECHLAM


Part Two 13h30-16h00

NETWORKING. Condición de fin de residuos y Proyectos LIFE.



LIFE project presentations (8 min/project).

  1. LIFE-ZEROLANDFILLING: Recovering landfill waste through an innovative and integrated process committed to the circular economy.
    Teresa Simorte Gancedo. FCC Medioambiente.
  2. LIFE-WEEELOOP: Expansion of the WEEELOOP model for a circular hob industry.
    Mikel Telleria. COPRECI, S. Coop.
  3. LIFE-POLITEX: Fibre to fibre full circularity in the textile sector through novel polyester recycling technologies.
    Javier Garcia Cordoba. AITEX.
  4. Z-ONA4LIFE: Aluminium Foundries Circularity via Holistic Zeolite Production for Effluents Depuration.
    Aurora López Delgado. Instituto de Ciencias de la Construcción Eduardo Torroja. CSIC.
  5. LIFE Waste2Coag: Brine and metal wastes valorisation to produce coagulants for wastewater treatment.
    Feliu Sempere Nàcher. Global Omnium.
  6. LIFE REWAINCER: New model for the application and use of reclaimed water in industrial environments in the ceramics sector.
    Gracia Maria Silvestre Tormo. FACSA.
  7. LIFE CYCLOPS: upCYCLling pOlyPhenols from waSte.
    Rubén Titos Guillén. Cetaqua.
  8. LIFE SuperBiodiesel: Production of advanced biodiesel from animal wastes using supercritical technologies.
    Juan Antonio Micó. AIJU.
  9. LIFE ZEBRA: Zero Emission Biochemical and Renewable Additives.
    Emma Pipó Ollé. Inveniam Group.

Open discussion: How can different LIFE projects join forces to facilitate the achievement of end-of-waste status?

  • Lessons learned
  • Recommendations for public entities
  • Collaboration options

Closing of the day


Aurora López-Delgado

Aurora López-Delgado

Instituto de Ciencias de la Construcción Eduardo Torroja

Research Scientist at CSIC & Z-ONA4LIFE project coordinator