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1st Conference on Zeolites > Sustainable Zeolites: Advances in Synthesis and Applications

1st Workshop
6 November 2024 08:30–18:30
Madrid, Spain - Instituto de Ciencias de la Construcción Eduardo Torroja (CSIC)

1st Conference on Zeolites > Sustainable Zeolites: Advances in Synthesis and Applications

Zeolites are crystalline solid materials that possess regular porous structure frameworks. Many of the unique properties of zeolites, such as their sorption, molecular sieve, and ion exchange capacities, are explained by their structure, particularly by the presence of voids or channels that allow the sorption and diffusion of various ions and molecules. Due to their distinctive properties, these materials are widely used in numerous industrial applications such as water remediation, catalysis, detergent building, gas purification, membranes, and drying processes, among others.

The development of more sustainable synthesis processes aimed at minimizing the consumption of raw materials, reducing costs, and decreasing the environmental impact of the processes has driven research efforts to achieve cleaner and more eco-efficient processes for the production of zeolites.

We are pleased to announce the inaugural Conference on Zeolites: "Sustainable Zeolites: Advances in Synthesis and Applications". This conference provides a platform for researchers, scientists, and industry professionals to convene and exchange knowledge on the latest advancements in zeolite research and applications. The selected works can be presented weither by oral presentation or as a poster.


Why Attend:

This conference is a unique opportunity to:

  • Gain insights from leading researchers and industry professionals.
  • Network with peers and collaborators in the field of zeolite research.
  • Stay abreast of the latest developments in sustainable zeolite technologies.


Call for paper:

We invite submissions of original research papers, case studies, and reviews for presentation at the conference. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Synthesis methods and characterisation techniques.
  • Novel applications in environmental remediation, agriculture, and water purification.
  • Catalytic applications in chemical and petrochemical industries.
  • Development of sustainable processes using zeolites.
  • Regulatory aspects and standards for zeolite adoption.
  • Challenges and opportunities in the industrial-scale implementation of zeolites

Authors are invited to submit abstracts for consideration by 31 July 2024 15 September 2024. Each author can submit two abstracts per inscription. Accepted abstracts will be published in the conference proceedings. Moreover, the authors have the opportunity to publish their extended work in a special issue entitled "Sustainable Zeolites: Advances in Synthesis and Applications in Materials", an international peer-reviewed, open access journal on Materials Science and Engineering published semimonthly online by MDPI.

To submit your abstract, please download the file containing the guidelines for abstract format and submission instructions. Once you have prepared your abstract, please share it via email with Rocio Jarabo at

Download the abstract file


Registration fees: The full registration fee for attendance is 200€. The registration fee includes access to the scientific sessions, access to the commercial exhibition and poster area, congress documentation, lunch and coffee break included in the programme. Last day to register is 31 September 2024.

Register Here


To submit your payment, please follow the instructions on the below document and send to Rocio Jarabo at

Payment Information



8:30 - 9:00

Recogida de documentación

9:00 - 9:05

Bienvenida - Dr. José Luis García Calvo (Vicedirector Técnico, IETcc-CSIC)

9:05 - 9:15

Presentación de la Jornada - Dra. Aurora López Delgado (IETcc-CSIC)

9:15 - 9:50

Conferencia invitada - Aproximaciones al diseño de síntesis de zeolitas para aplicaciones catalíticas - 

Dr. Joaquín Pérez-Pariente (ICTP-CSIC)


SESIÓN 1: Síntesis de zeolitas

Moderadora: Dra. Carmen Lobo (IMIDRA)

9:50 - 10:10

Zeolitización como método de fabricación de materiales estructurales ligeros a partir de caolín y residuos plásticos marinos

Dr. Jose Manuel Moreno-Maroto (UAM)

10:10 - 10:30

Reciclaje de residuos industriales y agroalimentarios en la síntesis de zeolitas: una vía sostenible para la gestión de escoria salina

D. Rafael Carrizosa (IETcc-CSIC)

10:30 - 10:50

Estudio computacional sobre cómo sintetizar zeolitas aluminosilicatos

Dr. Germán Sastre (ITQ, UPV-CSIC)

10:50 - 11:10

Proceso de zeolitización de cenizas volcánicas

Dra. Sol López-Andrés (UCM)

11:10 - 11:40


11:40 - 12:00

Políticas de sostenibilidad de la UE: análisis crítico de la síntesis de zeolitas a partir de residuos

Dña. Rita Giuffrida (TRUST-IT)


SESIÓN 2: Aplicaciones catalíticas, de adsorción y remediación

Moderadora: Dra. Sol López Andrés (UCM)

12:00 - 12:20

Viabilidad de zeolitas sostenibles en la recuperación de suelos extremadamente ácidos

Dra. Mª del Mar Gil-Díaz (IMIDRA)

12:20 - 12:40

Viabilidad de zeolitas sostenibles para descontaminación de suelos

Dra. Mª del Mar Gil-Díaz (IMIDRA)

12:40 - 13:00

Adsorption of sulphur dioxide on porous materials developed from municipal solid waste incineration fly ash

D. Danilo Jara-Echevarría (UPM)

13:00 - 13:20

Las zeolitas en la química sostenible: síntesis, caracterización avanzada y aplicaciones catalíticas, entre otras

Dra. Isabel Díaz (ICP-CSIC)

13:20 - 14:30



SESIÓN 3: Aplicaciones en el sector de la construcción

Moderadora: Dra. Maximina Romero

14:30 - 14:50

Cementos sostenibles a partir de mordenita natural como material cementante suplementario

Dra. Isabel Díaz (ICP-CSIC)

14:50 - 15:10

Zeolitas sintéticas: efecto en las propiedades de materiales base cemento

Dr. Pedro Carballosa (IETcc-CSIC)

15:10 - 15:30

Transformation of fly ash into zeolite materials and their applications in environmental engineering

and construction materials

Dr. Tomas Bajda (AGH University of Krakow)

15:30 - 16:05

Conferencia invitada

Zeolitas estables con sistemas tridimensionales de poros extragrandes

Dr. Miguel Ángel Camblor (ICMM-CSIC)

16:05 - 17:00



Scientific Committee: Joaquin Perez Pariente (CSIC), Miguel A. Camblor (CSIC), Xavier Querol Carceller (CSIC), Carmen Lobo Bedmar (IMIDRA), Sol Lopez- Andres (UCM), Aurora Lopez-Delgado (CSIC), Maximina Romero Perez (CSIC)


Organising Committee: Aurora Lopez-Delgado (CSIC), Maximina Romero Perez (CSIC), Rocio Jarabo (CSIC), Isabel Padilla (CSIC), Rita Giuffrida (Trust-IT), Gabriela Rogowska (Trust-IT), Nathaniel Cueter (Trust-IT)


Workshop Secretariat: Rocio Jarabo (IETcc-CSIC),


Explore the slides from the first Z-ONA4LIFE webinar to learn more about the initiative in general and how zeolite production is helping contribute to a more circular and sustainable Europe!


Scientific & Organising Committee Members

Aurora López-Delgado

Aurora López-Delgado

Instituto de Ciencias de la Construcción Eduardo Torroja

Research Scientist at CSIC & Z-ONA4LIFE project coordinator

Carmen Lobo Bedmar

Carmen Lobo Bedmar


Researcher at IMIDRA, Coordinator of the Soil Decontamination and Waste Management Group of the Agro-environmental Research Area


Miguel A. Camblor


Research Professor at the Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid (ICMM-CSIC)


Joaquín Pérez Pariente


Research Professor at the Institute of Catalysis and Petroleochemistry (ICP-CSIC)

Xavier Querol

Xavier Querol


Research Professor at the Institute of Environmental Diagnosis and Water Studies (IDAEA-CSIC)


Sol López Andrés

University of Madrid (UCM)

Professor of the Dept. of Mineralogy and Petrology of the Faculty of Geological Sciences of the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM)


Maximina Romero


Research Scientist at the Instituto de Ciencias de la Construcción Eduardo Torroja (IETcc-CSIC)

Isabella Padilla

Isabel Padilla


Tenure Scientist (IETcc-CSIC)

Rocío Jarabo

Rocío Jarabo


Research Project Manager (IETcc-CSIC)


Rita Giuffrida

Trust-IT Services

Research Analyst, Trust-IT Services


Gabriela Rogowska

Trust-IT Services

Communication, Dissemination & Outreach Specialist, Trust-IT Services


Nathaniel Cueter

Trust-IT Services

Communication, Dissemination & Outreach Specialist, Trust-IT Services