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Circularidad de Fundiciones de Aluminio mediante Producción Holística de Zeolitas para Depuración de Efluentes

El principal objetivo del proyecto Z-ONA4LIFE es demostrar, a escala piloto, que la producción de zeolita sintética, Z-ONA, es un proceso tecnológica y económicamente viable.
Este proceso contribuye a un mejor aprovechamiento de residuos de aluminio y residuos ricos en silicio, mejorando la circularidad de las fundiciones de aluminio.
El objetivo del Proyecto es desarrollar un proceso en el que se obtiene un producto de valor añadido como la zeolita, se recuperan otros subproductos y se reciclan sus efluentes.

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Stage 3

Brine treatment & Recovery of subproducts

How the process works

A pilot plant is a small-scale process plant, which aims to obtain information about the physical and chemical process. It establishes the optimal operating parameters of this process for a subsequent design and construction of the plant on an industrial scale. 

Gain experience and obtain technical data that can be used in:

  • The design of special equipment and structures needed for the new processes
  • Standardisation of tests and fine-tuning of production processes
  • Design rules and safety standards
  • Adoption of organisational measures specific to work in the pilot plant
  • Installation costs

Partners Responsible

Partner Testimonial / Why is this important

Transform basic laboratory data into operating parameters in a plant that develops processes on a reduced scale to obtain information that will be used on an industrial scale. The results obtained in the laboratory cannot be extrapolated directly to the industrial scale. Experimentation is needed on an intermediate scale.

Manuel Revuelta
Quality, Environmental, and Health Safety System Manager at FERROSADIM