Z-ONA4LIFE 2nd Scientific and Technical Committee Meeting & 1st Steering Committee Meeting

6 Junio 2024 12:00–15:00
Face to Face & Online

Second Scientific and Technical Committee (S&TC) Meeting

Purpose of the meeting

Provide a status update of the Scientific and Technical activities performed during the first half of 2024.

Descriptions of the items discussed

  • WP3. Task 3.1. Rafael Hervás (Inderen) showed the scheme of the pilot plant for salt slag hydrolysis and zeolite synthesis. Inderen considers the convenience of enlarging the area to locate the plant at the Alusigma site, due to the need for a material stockpiling area, which was not initially taken into account. Aurora commented that the stainless steel reactor might not be suitable due to the alkalinity and salinity conditions of the processes. Manuel Revuelta (Ferrosadim) commented that the hydrolysis reactor must have an adequate agitation system to keep the salt slag in suspension, avoiding the decantation of the solid and favouring hydrolysis.

  • WP2. Task 2.1. Regarding the definition of the Z‐ONA zeolite, Aurora commented that it will be a zeolite with a low Si/Al ratio, and of the LTA/NaP type, but the full definition will be reached with the results of the pilot plant. Four different Si wastes were studied (rice husk ash, diatomite sludge, calcine and Saint Gobain sludge). The last two seem to be the most suitable due to the proximity of the generating company to the pilot plant, as well as the supply commitment of the company.

  • WP2. Task 2.3. Aurora informed that preliminary tests to recover by‐product from brine have been carried out with good results, and a device is being designed for continuous testing. CSIC is in the process of purchasing equipment.

  • WP2. Task 2.4. Aurora informed that the trials to synthesise zeolite with rice husks have been completed and a paper with the main results has been published. In addition, a second paper is under writing. The trials with diatoms are almost finished and CSIC is working with the other two Si residues. This task ends in month 24 and work will continue.

  • WP2. Task 2.5. Aurora informed that this task is scheduled for the M12. Nevertheless, Cogersa and CSIC are establishing analytical protocols to conduct an inter‐centre comparison of the composition of Cogersa's effluents. 

  • WP2.Task 2.2. Gabriela (Trust‐IT) presented the progress of this work and commented on the development of a blueprint with recommendations for advancing zeolite production and use within the circular economy. This blueprint, formulated from the workshop discussions, will be shared with policy makers by October 2024. She explained that the workshop was held in May with experts and has been published in ZONA4LIFE.

    Next steps: In June analysis of results, open consultation on the web, webinar in July and Blueprint in October.

  • WP5. Task 5.1. Álvaro (Ferrosadim) commented about the content of the deliverable corresponding to KPIs, indicating the templates designed for reporting the KPIs. Aurora presented an example of how to fill in the KPI document. File naming: codeKPI_date_partner.

First Steering Committee (SC) Meeting


  • Face to Face: Aurora Lopez‐Delgado (CSIC), Maximina Romero (CSIC), Alvaro Orbea (Ferrosadim), Rafa Hervas (Inderen), Kevin Rodriguez (Inderen), Vicente (Ferrosadim), Ricardo Romaguera (Inderen).
  • On‐line: Isabel Padilla (CSIC), Rafael Carrizosa (CSIC), Rocío Jarabo (CSIC), Gabriela Rogowska (Trust‐it), Manuel Revuelta Bayod (Ferrosadim), Laura Megido (Cogersa), Jose Manuel (Cogersa).

Purpose of the meeting

The purpose of the steering committee meeting is to provide strategic oversight and guidance for the Z‐0NA4LIFE project. This includes reviewing progress, addressing challenges, making critical decisions regarding resource allocation, ensuring alignment with project goals.

Description of the items discussed 

  • Economic review and current status of implemented budget. Rocío Jarabo presented the financial summary of the project. Until month 22, 70% of the first payment has to be spent. Some partners have not yet up dated the economic data, so the figures showed are not accurate.
    She also explains how to fill in the time declaration form.

  • Milestones achieved to date. Aurora reviewed the different milestone achieved and commented about the next milestones and deliverables to be upload before the end of September.

  • Discussion of challenges and barriers encountered/Assessment of potential risks and mitigation measures. Aurora stated that one of the possible technical risks is not having the amount of Si waste needed to manufacture the 220 t of zeolite. Manuel (Ferrosadim) will contact Saint Gobain to ensure the supply.

In addition, the coordinator commented that in order to receive the next pre‐financing (June 2025) a continuous reporting template should be filled in with the results until April 2025. The template will be shared on google drive so that it can be filled in by each partner.

Planning of next steps

  • Meeting with the EEAB in September.

  • Obtain the necessary Si‐waste and salt slag for the first year zeolite production.

  • Each partner should complete the corresponding KPIs and send the information to Ferrosadim. 

  • Fill in the continuous reporting to be delivered before next visit of Project Officer.